At a cost of a mere one half million tax-payer dollars, and along with help from Homeland Security and the US Coast Guard, Boston police were able to destroy or disarm at least eleven bombs (one pictured here) cleverly disguised as blinking LED representations of the evil Mooninites.

The fear caused by the reaction of Boston authorities to these cleverly disguised WMDs was immense, and rightly so. It has nothing to do with delusional paranoia as some have suggested. Simply put--it was due to the fact that we can ill afford a war with the Moon right now.
It seems that these devices have been planted in large cities across the country including Philadelphia, where authorities found as many as 56 of these improvised Lite-Brite devices (ILD's), but foolishly treated them as a prank and violation of zoning laws.

What do you people need in order to wake up--an animated mushroom cloud over Liberty Hall?

But, Philadelphia isn't the only place that these evil devices were all but ignored.
It seems that people in several cities across the country have been all but ignoring these devices for two to three weeks. A man in San Francisco actually left one of these bombs "softly blinking" above his art gallery for several days before a friend got a ladder and bravely disarmed it, and believe it or not the gallery owner plans on keeping the bomb. Keeping a bomb? What's next in this country--shamelessly profiting from a horrible disaster?
The police in Austin, TX didn't even know that the devices were in place until the good folks at Turner Broadcasting informed them of the threat.

There is no word yet as to whether the Bush administration will place the Mooninites on their terror watch list, or if they have plans to undercut funding for this fourth member of the axis of evil.
Oh shit... does this mean all the radio and tv stations are going to be taken over and will have nothing but Foreigner songs on them all day? This terrorism thing is worse than I thought.
Are you saying that radio stations there play something other than Foreigner? They told us that it was the new thing world wide..."Foreigner 24/7"--Dirty White Boy and Hot Blooded back to back for hours.
Those sneaky bastards--someone's gonna pay!
Your comments were the best -- and funniest -- that I read about this "invasiom." And, believe me, I read quite a few.
Robert Devine
Well, thank you Robert. It's always nice to know that my being a smartass is appreciated.
This is too busy... this is all too busy!!!
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