They are links to youtube videos of the six parts of a series put out by
digitalfreethought.com called Atheism 101. It is essentially answers to many questions and challenges thrown at atheist by religious folk. There are many answers that I had already had, but there are some really good well thought out answers that I had never considered.
If I had the power I would show this in every Sunday school class across the World.
If you would rather not watch the videos the digital free thought link above will take you to a text version--just click on the "answers" button in the right margin.
Hope you enjoy and/or learn something.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Text Version Remember--click the "answers" button.
Hey they're only trying to save your soul, they Christians, they're GOOD people, not like uncaring atheist/false religions/not real christians/what's the difference who don't care about your soul at all.
I mean, I don't care about your soul... pfft. Soul? What's that?
I'm hurt Michelle.
I mean afterall, I care about your so...Well okay so I don't.
But I do profess sorrow for people whose soles are in disrepair--is that good enough?
Er, well whadda you want me to say? Um...
Nice soul you got there.. shame if anything happened to it...
Actually my soul was put up for auction years ago, and I sold it for $11.48 so I could buy some beer and gummi worms. So, I guess asking for you to be kind about something that is no longer mine is a bit much to ask for. I'm sorry.
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